Turbo Striker Font

Designers Note

Note of the author
Before deciding to use this font for any commercial purposes, it's essential to be cautious and take the time to go through the terms and conditions. Remember, not knowing the rules doesn't excuse any legal issues.

By installing or using this font, you're essentially agreeing to the Font Usage Agreement, which includes the following points:

1. This font is strictly meant for personal use only, and using it for promotional or commercial purposes is not allowed.
2. You need a license for any promotional or commercial use.
3. Commercial Purposes License is available on my website : https://creativemarket.com/Minetype/291249827-Turbo-Striker-Sport-Font
4. Violating this agreement could lead to a charge equivalent to 100 times the standard desktop license price.
5. For any inquiries, such as getting a quote for a specific project, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Any donations are highly appreciated.

Behance: https://www.behance.net/minetypelab

Thank you.

Character Map

character map

File Contents

File nameFile sizeFile typeOptions
TurboStriker - Sport Font - Folder  
TurboStriker - Sport Font/5. Item Description.txt 861 B Text File view
TurboStriker - Sport Font/.DS_Store 6 KB unknown  
TurboStriker - Sport Font/1.OTF - Folder download
TurboStriker - Sport Font/1.OTF/Turbo Striker.otf 16 KB Font File download
TurboStriker - Sport Font/2.TTF - Folder download
TurboStriker - Sport Font/2.TTF/Turbo Striker.ttf 47 KB Font File download
TurboStriker - Sport Font/3. WOFF - Folder  
TurboStriker - Sport Font/3. WOFF/.DS_Store 6 KB unknown  
TurboStriker - Sport Font/3. WOFF/Turbo Striker.woff 18 KB unknown  
__MACOSX - Folder  
__MACOSX/._TurboStriker - Sport Font 170 B unknown  
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font - Folder  
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/._1.OTF 211 B Font File download
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/._5. Item Description.txt 646 B Text File view
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/._3. WOFF 170 B unknown  
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/1.OTF - Folder download
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/._2.TTF 211 B Font File download
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/._.DS_Store 120 B unknown  
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/2.TTF - Folder download
__MACOSX/TurboStriker - Sport Font/3. WOFF - Folder  

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