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Rumble Brave Police

Note Des Concepteurs

Introducing Rumble Brave Vintage Fonts Packages Lately I am happy to see the design style with its vintage victorian classic. hence from that I launch fonts packages with vintage style. In this packages there are 3 types of letters serif, script and dingbat. The three font combinations I launched are now very compatible if for the victorian classic design concept. As for if the font was worn by itself, without combinations are also brave.

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

nom de fichiertaille du fichiertypeoptions
READ ME.txt 2 KB Text File view
Rumble-Brave-3.jpg 416 KB Image view
Rumble Brave.otf 81 KB Font File Télécharger
Rumble-Brave-6.jpg 428 KB Image view
Rumble-Brave-2.jpg 385 KB Image view
Rumble-Brave-8.jpg 417 KB Image view
preview-Rumble-Brave.png 233 KB Image view

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