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Middlecase Police

Note Des Concepteurs


From font and graphic designer Morice Kastoun, Middlecase is an experimental typeface that fuses both upper & lowercase letterforms into one unique character set. It is a completely radical idea that blurs the boundaries of font case classification, and what is possible in font design. This font is sure to stand-out from the crowd!

Middlecase comes in 4 weights: Regular, Medium, Bold & Black, with two variations of each; Inline & Solid. Each font comes with over 30 icons within the glyph set.

Morice works as a Creative Director living in Melbourne Australia.

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

nom de fichiertaille du fichiertypeoptions
Middlecase OT - Folder  
Middlecase OT/MidCase BlackLine.otf 41 KB Font File Télécharger
Middlecase OT/MidCase RegLine.otf 42 KB Font File Télécharger
Middlecase OT/MidCase BlackSolid.otf 35 KB Font File Télécharger
Middlecase OT/MidCase BoldSolid.otf 35 KB Font File Télécharger
Middlecase OT/MidCase MedLine.otf 44 KB Font File Télécharger
Middlecase OT/MidCase RegSolid.otf 35 KB Font File Télécharger
Middlecase OT/MidCase MedSolid.otf 35 KB Font File Télécharger
Middlecase OT/MidCase BoldLine.otf 42 KB Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX - Folder  
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT - Folder  
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase RegSolid.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase MedSolid.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase BlackLine.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase BoldSolid.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase RegLine.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase MedLine.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase BoldLine.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/Middlecase OT/._MidCase BlackSolid.otf 239 B Font File Télécharger
__MACOSX/._Middlecase OT 239 B unknown  

Détails De La Police

Nom du concepteur: Morice Kastoun
Licence de polices: Donationware

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