Téléchargez 10 000 polices en un seul clic pour seulement 19,95 $. The Ultimate Font Download est la collection de polices la plus grande et la plus vendue en ligne. Les polices sont autorisées pour un usage personnel et commercial. Télécharger 10 000 polices aujourd'hui. Accès instantané et illimité à 10 000 polices. Cliquez ici pour les détails

Jakosta Police

Note Des Concepteurs

We introduce Jakosta, a one-of-a-kind Japanese-themed display font.
This font was created by paying close attention to each letter shape to make it as natural as possible, similar to a Japanese font, while still prioritizing letterforms that are easy to read and understand by the audience so that all of your projects will become projects that are easy to remember and understand by anyone from anywhere in the world. anywhere

Logotypes, food banners, branding, brochure, posters, movie titles, book titles, quotes, and more may all benefit from this font.

Of course, using this font in your various design projects will make them excellent and outstanding; many viewers are drawn to the striking and unusual graphic display.

Start utilizing this typeface in your projects to make them stand out.

Terms Of Use

By downloading or using our font, you are read and accepted to the Our Term and Use Agreement :

This font is copyrighted and protected by the law. Usage of this font on any work without a proper license is deemed illegal. You might get fined at least USD 3000 for this act. Please do understand that we have our own system for tracking the usage of our works on the internet.


2. Click this link to purchase on our website :

3. For Corporate or Commercial use you have to purchase Corporate and commercial licenses, please contact us at :
[email protected]

- Any donations are acceptable and very appreciated. PayPal account for donation:

Don\'t forget to follow our social media for updates:
Instagram: twinletter
Facebook: Twinletter
Twitter: @twinletter

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

nom de fichiertaille du fichiertypeoptions
__MACOSX - Folder  
__MACOSX/._MUST READ.txt 833 B Text File view
MUST READ.txt 2 KB Text File view
Jakosta-PersonalUse.otf 1 MB Font File Télécharger

Détails De La Police

Nom du concepteur: rozi
Licence de polices: Gratuit pour un usage personnel
Website: https://twinletter.com/product/jakosta/
Licence commerciale: https://twinletter.com/product/jakosta/

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