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Heathergreen Police

Note Des Concepteurs

OTF and TTF: Heathergreen (Regular and Italic)
Dennis Ludlow 2016 all rights reserved
by Sharkshock
[email protected]

This relative of Deutschlander is about 20% taller and designed to take up more vertical space. Unlike most of our display fonts this one is designed to fill body text or accompany titles. Included are basic/extended latin Greek, Cyrillic, and many other European accents and diacritics.
OTF features include ordinals, small caps, stylistic sets, ligatures, and alternates. Squeeze lots of text into your next project such as faux movie posters, labeling, or subtitles. A demo of the regular version is included for personal use. Full version plus Italic can be purchased for $15 or by purchasing
a commercial license. Please note the $15 purchase is for personal use only. Licensing info can be found by visiting this page: http://www.sharkshock.net/license

This font like my others are free for personal use only as long as this readme file stays intact. For commercial use please contact me at [email protected] to discuss an end user license agreement. You can also visit http://www.sharkshock.net/license for more info. I also design custom fonts for
businesses, logos, and many other things. If you'd like to leave me a PayPal donation you can use my email address above. Your generosity will be most appreciated!

visit http://www.sharkshock.net for more and take a bite out of BORING design!

tags: modern, stylish, vertical, display, font, typeface, publishing, logo, title, book, cover, magazine, company, style, brand, branding, fancy, sans, serif, italic, strong, narrow, tall, high, poster, headline, neo-grotesque, sports, condensed, ultra, newspaper, news

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

nom de fichiertaille du fichiertypeoptions
Heathergreen latin.png 471 KB Image view
Heathergreen II.png 361 KB Image view
Heathergreen features.png 656 KB Image view
Heathergreen.otf 194 KB Font File Télécharger
readme.txt 2 KB Text File view

Détails De La Police

Nom du concepteur: Sharkshock
Licence de polices: Gratuit pour un usage personnel
Website: https://www.sharkshock.net
Licence commerciale: http://www.sharkshock.net/license

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