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DK Cinnabar Brush Police

  • DK Cinnabar Brush -
    Dans : Brush
    DK Cinnabar Brush par Hanoded  21,512 Téléchargers

Note Des Concepteurs

Cinnabar Brush is a font named after a mineral - mercury sulfide to be precise. I quite like the name and the color, so naming a font after it made sense. Cinnabar Brush is a very bold, very outspoken brush font. It is all caps, but upper and lower case glyphs differ and can be mixed. It is a bit on the heavy side, so I wouldn't set a text in it. Use Cinnabar Brush for posters, book covers, T-shirts and the like. Comes with a mother lode of diacritics.

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

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Hanoded Fonts Licendse & FAQ - DO READ THIS!.pdf 35 KB PDF view
Cinnabar-Brush-Poster-1.png 1 MB Image view
DK Cinnabar Brush.ttf 294 KB Font File Télécharger

Détails De La Police

Nom du concepteur: Hanoded
Licence de polices: Démo
Website: https://www.hanodedfonts.com
Licence commerciale: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/hanoded/cinnabar-brush/

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