Awaly Fuente

Nota De Los Diseñadores

Hi, thanks for downloading our font

Awaly – Arabic Font Style Typeface


By installing or using this font, you agree to the Product Usage Agreement:

1. This font is for PERSONAL USE. No commercial use is allowed!
2. If you want to use this font for commercial use you must buy a commercial license.
3. Commercial License includes complete glyphs and Styles of this font
4. LINK TO PURCHASE COMMERCIAL LICENSE and COMPLETE Styles for this font, find it here:

Or You Can Purchase it in any Marketplace you want,
Visit Our Portfolio and Market link;

to DONATE click here:

if you need more detailed information and a custom license you can contact us at:
[email protected]

Afkari Studio

Mapa De Caracteres

Mapa de caracteres

Contenido Del Archivo

nombre del archivotamaño del archivotipoopciones
Web-PS - Folder  
Web-PS/Awaly.woff2 40 KB unknown  
Web-PS/Awaly.otf 96 KB Font File descargar
OpenType-PS - Folder  
OpenType-PS/Awaly.otf 96 KB Font File descargar
OpenType-TT - Folder  
OpenType-TT/Awaly.ttf 179 KB Font File descargar
Readme First.txt 421 B Text File ver

Detalles De Fuente

Nombre del diseñador: Afkari Studio
Licencia de fuente: Gratis para uso personal
Sitio web:
Licencia Comercial:

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