Bubble Sans Schriftart

Autoren Hinweis

Bubble Sans — Completely free comicbook typeface made in 2025. Repeats the style of speech bubble fonts of classic comics of the 2000s. Includes over 700 glyphs, over 5000 kerning pairs and supports over 300 languages. Distributed under the SIL OFL license.




OFL.txt 4 KB Text File view
BubbleSans-Regular.otf 113 KB Font File download

Schriftart Einzelheiten

Autoren: Abay Emes
Lizenz: Public domain, GPL, OFL
Webseite: https://instagram.com/abay.emes/
Kommerzielle Lizenz: https://openfontlicense.org/open-font-license-official-text/

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