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Christmas Miracle Police

  • Christmas Miracle -
    Dans : Noël
    Christmas Miracle par Måns Grebäck  25,857 Téléchargers

Note Des Concepteurs

Christmas Miracle is a decorative Christmas font.
This original typeface, drawn by Måns Grebäck, brings out the spirit of the season.

Write for example [Christmas] to make a decorative version of the word. Available words: Wish, Wishes, Merry, Christmas, Happy, New Year.

It comes with a bonus font called Christmas Banners, to be used as background or as a decorative element along with this or any other font.
How to use the Banners font: Write for example ABC to create a beginning, middle and end, or ABBBC for a longer banner.
It has extended support for language, numbers, punctuation and symbols.

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

nom de fichiertaille du fichiertypeoptions
ChristmasMiracle_PERSONAL.ttf 2 MB Font File Télécharger
ChristmasBanner_PERSONAL.ttf 242 KB Font File Télécharger
img - Folder  
img/christmas-miracle_poster03.png 508 KB Image view
img/christmas-miracle_poster02.png 172 KB Image view
img/christmas-miracle_poster01.png 426 KB Image view
img/christmas-miracle_flag.png 164 KB Image view

Détails De La Police

Nom du concepteur: Måns Grebäck
Licence de polices: Gratuit pour un usage personnel
Website: https://www.mansgreback.com/
Licence commerciale: https://www.myfonts.com/collections/christmas-miracle-font-mans-greback?rfsn=6624845.bc30413

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